Pittaway Wayne 1 This was a Xmas gift for my child. When the Xmas gift was unwrapped today on Xmas morning, I was surprised to see the net was torn in at least two places. Including a rip in the centre of the back of the net and some amateur repair work on some other parts of the net. I also noticed some rust coloration on some of the support poles that are inserted in the net frame.This was not a case of poor design or defective materials or workmanship, it was simply a case that an obviously broken and damaged product was delivered. It would be like delivering a pair of socks that had a hole in the big toe.I have been a regular Amazon customer for several years. I have never written a review before. I have never been disappointed with an Amazon purchases before. This supplier is a disgrace and should not be allowed to list products on Amazon.
u o s a a u V 5 チタン製のカップ等で炊飯やトマトジュースにカレー粉入れて煮たりすると焦げ易いのですが、このリッドをバーナーパットに使うと焦げない。 米を炊く時は研いだ米を15分とか給水してから炊けば焦げにくいですが、釣りの合間にとかだと水と無洗米をチタンカップに入れていきなり火にかけたい訳です、このバーナーパットは神です。