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Tnc**946 5
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Mogg and Wren 3
Things I like about this:Its appearance.Things I dont like about this:The design how it was made is awful (professional opinion). It’s cheaply made and half thought out. This shouldn’t have left the design office/ 3D CAD and been put into manufacture.The many reasons are;-The battery replacement is terrible. The tiny screw is a nightmare to access, and it cant be properly tightened so the train sometimes doesnt work.-The front of the train floats in the air on the above tiny screw. This only needed a small tab to be right.-It uses AAAA batteries, but could have easily fit AAA, so the advertising was misleading Every other Brio models works so much longer one 1 single larger battery.-The toggle switch between freewheel and powered is f*$king awful. It constantly slips, and stops working randomly. This is terrible design work.-The gear to power the train slips even when the toggle switch is locked in place.-There is no magnet on the front of the train, unlike every other Brio train model.-Reverse is great, unless there are corners, or bumps, as the back piece jumps the track.This was an exercise in make money off a bad design not aimed at use by children.Suggested design corrections:-Remove the toggle for freewheel, or put it underneath with a solid switch that locks.-Reduce range of movement on rear wheels-Make it for AAA batteries-Change battery access, completely
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I’m so sorry to type this but to be honest maybe I wasn’t lucky with this product at all, it fell twice and from the first time fall damaged the wall and I even had to glue the the piece of the wall. So, this product details is really bad cause I hanged a painting using 6 pieces and the painting is not even more than 7kg and it fell.
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