THE NORTH FACE ザ・ノース・フェイス Rectang レクタング NMJ72203 K キッズ ジュニア バッグ リュックサック バックパック JJ3 I27
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レクタング(キッズ)(NMJ72203)- THE NORTH FACE公式通販
THE NORTH FACE ザ・ノース・フェイス Rectang レクタング NMJ72203 K キッズ ジュニア バッグ リュックサック バックパック JJ3 I27 | ムラサキスポーツ オンラインストア
キッズリュック ノースフェイス レクタング - ベビー・キッズの人気商品・通販・価格比較 - 価格.com
楽天市場】【エントリー楽天カード最大23倍 10/30限定】【日本正規品】 ザ・ノース・フェイス リュック キッズ THE NORTH FACE レクタング(キッズ) K Rectang キッズリュック バッグ 男の子 女の子 小学生 子供 17L 軽量 A4 タブレット アウトドア NMJ72203 ...
ふるさと納税 大野城市 福岡県産あまおう270g×4パック mm 3
On ordering from Amazon Japan, the multitool arrived with an extra copper washer stuck in the handle (see photo). The extra washer was not difficult to spot, so this suggests that Leatherman's quality control for this model is somewhat poor. The washer was firmly stuck and could not be removed (I presume it could if the knife were disassembled--but who wants to take apart their new tool to fix a manufacturing glitch?).In an emergency, I suppose it would have worked, but if you're paying this much for a multi-tool, it should arrive in excellent condition, without defects or abnormalities.I requested a return within 30 minutes of delivery, which the seller and amazon supported with no questions asked. However, because of what was probably 15 seconds of poor quality control, I wasted an hour to carefully re-pack it, take it to the post office, wait in line, fill out the forms to send and buy insurance, etc. Amazon's return process didn't provide the option for a replacement to be shipped to me--I had to start another order )-->suggestion for amazon and seller for the future).The second multitool was delivered the following day; the box was in better shape than the first and the contents were, too. In both cases, on opening the box, the multitool was very dusty as oil residue from the manufacturing process seems to attract a lot of dust. There were no obvious defects or concerns with the second multitool. On inspection, I found it to be very sturdy and features high quality materials.So, for the Charge Plus Tti the only issue is quality control as above. In my experience, 50% of the Charge Plus TTi models that I have personally sampled have a defect. If you have the patience to deal with returning a potentially defective multi-tool, it's not bad at all. But in this price range (USD200-300) plus the Leatherman name, I expected better quality.Given the smooth return process from seller and amazon, I have upgraded my original 2 star rating to 3 stars.
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